Leadership and culture for today’s organisations in a digital world
23 January 2018
Culture is the predominant barrier to organisational success within the modern digital environment. Risk aversion resulting in delayed responses to market conditions and the necessary investment required has seen many companies fall behind their competitors.
A recent report published in the McKinsey Quarterly, points out that when a specific and strategic understanding of customers is lacking, companies struggle to train employees to engage successfully.
Organisational change requires proactive leadership committed to improving as technology continues to develop. Organisations without a strategy in place or committed leadership focus will fall behind in keeping up with digital transformation.
Although digital transformation may seem daunting for businesses, proactive approaches that embrace failure and take risks will prove beneficial for long term company growth.
With the digital landscape continuing to evolve each day, organisations should look to test, trial and fear less in order to progress further and create a culture that supports a long lasting future.