Facebook Pages – Best Practice Short Guide [Report by Worldcom Group]
27 July 2018
Facebook best practice
How to manage Facebook pages for technology companies and keep control over content, user engagement and customer support.
We are often asked by our clients for guidance on how to manage Facebook pages for tech companies.
As a result we asked Worldcom Public Relations Group experts, from around the world to provide their advice for best practice in their territory.
The content of this guide is based on the questions answered by our experts in a Webinar. You can listen to the recording of the Webinar by clicking on this link.
We hope you find the Guide helpful. Further Guides are available for each of our other Technology Webinars.
Should we have a single Facebook page or one for each territory?
As each territory has its own special requirements, you will need to create a Facebook page for each territory.
Providing localised, relevant content in the target language is important for your audience. You will also need a team who can post content and reply promptly during business hours.
If we have country-specific pages, should responses in the local language?
You should not assume that your audience will have a great understanding of English.
Therefore content and responses will need to be written in the local language.
Make it very easy for people to interact with your organisation. This will help you to build trust.